Committed to the health and well-being of the land, resources, and people of our beautiful region.

The year-round Cooperstown Farmers’ Market features local farmers, food producers, and artisans offering a wonderful variety of fresh produce, meat, farmstead cheeses, bread, bakery treats, plants, and handmade artisanal goods. SNAP/EBT welcome.

Otsego Outdoors is a collaborative resource connecting you with opportunities to enjoy the parks, trails, forests, and waterways of Otsego County. Try the Otsego Octet Challenge—there’s a new one offered each season.

Glimmerglass Film Days, a dynamic film festival held each November, explores humanity’s relationship with the natural world through a curated selection of independent films. Filmmaker talks, fun receptions, guided walks, art, and more.

Otsego 2000’s Historic Preservation work includes public education and advocacy to protect, preserve, and celebrate Otsego County’s historic homes, barns, hamlets, lands, and waters. We offer free technical assistance for those applying for New York State preservation tax credits.

Otsego 2000 is a first responder on environmental issues and sustainable development affecting Otsego County and the greater Otsego Lake region. When a major threat looms, Otsego 2000 mobilizes its resources to protect our community. We are partnering with other nonprofits to offer Repair Cafés.

Our Impact

Find out more about Otsego 2000’s track record of protecting Otsego County’s natural and historic resources and initiating programs and collaborations to advance quality of life and economic well-being.

 Otsego 2000 is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981 to ensure the Otsego Lake region remains a masterpiece of nature by protecting and supporting its environmental, scenic, cultural, historic, and agricultural resources and its economic well-being.

Otsego 2000 is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981 to ensure the Otsego Lake region remains a masterpiece of nature by protecting and supporting its environmental, scenic, cultural, historic, and agricultural resources and its economic well-being.