Celeriac Soup with Chorizo Oil



*All ingredients currently available at the Cooperstown Farmers' Market.


1 tbsp butter2 tbsp olive oil1 celeriac, peeled and cut into 1in. cubes4 sprigs rosemary2 cloves garlic, sliced4 cups chicken stock1/2 cup whole milk2 1/2oz cooking chorizo, finely chopped


Melt the butter and 1 tbsp of the olive oil in a large pan and add the celeriac and 2 of the sprigs of rosemary with a large pinch of salt. Cook gently for 15 minutes – you don’t want to get any color on the celeriac. If it starts to catch, add a splash of water. Add the garlic and cook for another minute. Pour in the chicken stock and simmer for 10 minutes or until the celeriac is very soft. Add the milk and scoop out the rosemary stalks and discard. Use a hand blender to whizz until smooth. Season and keep warm. Put the chorizo and the remaining 1 tbsp of olive oil into a cold frying pan and cook until the chorizo is crispy and the oil is a deep red. Break the final 2 sprigs of rosemary into pieces and add to the pan for a minute to get crisp. Spoon the soup into bowls and serve with the crispy chorizo bits, rosemary and oil drizzled on top.

Recipe via Olive Magazine. 

Find more recipes to make with ingredients you can get at the Farmers' Market.


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