“So impressed with the Repair Café through Otsego 2000, the Otsego Land Trust, and OCCA. They worked on my phone and my Apple watch. I am extremely grateful for this program. All the volunteers were so lovely, so generous with their time. ”
Otsego 2000, the Otsego County Conservation Association, and the Otsego Land Trust are offering a series of Repair Cafés at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market. Community members are invited to bring broken items from home and have volunteer repair expert coaches help to fix them free of charge.
Repair Cafés, a worldwide movement started in Amsterdam in 2009, build community and promote repairing items instead of throwing them out.
Repair Café at the Earth Festival
Saturday, April 26, 11 am to 2 pm
Milford Central School
42 W. Main St., Milford, NY
Cooperstown Repair Café
2025 Dates
February 15, 10:30 am - 1 pm
Small Appliances with electronic controls, Audio Equipment, and Consumer Electronics (no cellphones or computers)
Cooperstown Farmers’ Market
101 Main Street in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown
March 1, 10:30 am - 1 pm
Jewelry Repair, Clothing and Textiles, plus kids can bring in Stuffed Animals needing repair
Cooperstown Farmers’ Market
101 Main Street in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown
Simple repairs to inexpensive jewelry, clothing, and textiles. Also advice for larger sewing projects and jewelry repair.
March 8, 10:30 am - 1 pm
Computers and Cellphones
Cooperstown Farmers’ Market
101 Main Street in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown
March 15, 10:30 am - 1 pm
Lamps and Small Appliances
Cooperstown Farmers’ Market
101 Main Street in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown
More dates at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market will be added later in the Spring.
For more information, or to volunteer to be a repair coach, please contact Peg Odell or call Otsego 2000, 607/547-8881.
Repaircafe.org offers many how-to guides for fixing things.
The Cooperstown Farmers’ Market is open year-round on Saturdays. Winter Markets, which feature 20+ vendors, run from 10 am to 2 pm.
House Rules
The work carried out in the Repair Café is performed free of charge on a voluntary basis by the repair coaches on hand. Though repairs are free, any use of new materials may result in a small fee, and voluntary donations are always greatly appreciated.
Visitors offering broken items for repair do so at their own risk. Coaches making repairs offer no guarantee for the repairs carried out with their help and are not liable if objects that are repaired in the Repair Café turn out not to work properly at home.
Repair coaches are entitled to refuse to repair any objects at their discretion. They are not obliged to reassemble disassembled appliances that cannot be repaired and visitors are solely responsible for their tidy removal.
During busy periods, a maximum of ONE broken item per person will be examined. The visitor will join the back of the line if there is a second item for repair to cut down on the other attendees’ wait times.
The fact that the repairs are being performed by unpaid volunteers reflects the allocation of risks and limitations of liability; neither the organizers of the Cooperstown Repair Café nor the repair experts are liable for any loss that may result from advice or instructions concerning repairs, for the loss of items handed over for repair, for indirect or consequential loss or for any other kind of loss resulting from work performed at the Repair Café.
Cooperstown Repair Café is a collaborative program of: