Food Access Programs at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market
We want everyone to have access to healthy, local food at the Market. At every Market, we welcome shoppers using:
EBT cards,
FMNP coupons, and
Cooperstown Food Pantry vouchers.
It’s easy to use SNAP at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market!
Ask for the Farmers’ Market Manager, Alex Webster, at the Welcome Table at the front of the Market. You can also ask any vendor to help you find Alex. He will help you in the Farmers’ Market office.
Using your EBT card, purchase any amount of $1 wooden Farmers’ Market tokens.
You also will receive a match of up to $20 in SNAP Match vouchers from the Cooperstown Lions Club program. Use the wooden tokens and SNAP Match vouchers to purchase any SNAP-eligible food at the Market.
You will also receive a second match of up to $20 in Double Up Food Bucks silver coins to purchase fruits, vegetables and produce-bearing plants at the Market.
For a $20 SNAP spend, you can get up to $60 worth of local food from the Farmers’ Market.
Please note, shoppers do not get change back when using EBT coins, SNAP Match vouchers, or Double Up Food Bucks coins.
Through food access initiatives and partnerships with the Cooperstown Lions Club, Double Up Food Bucks New York, and the Cooperstown Food Pantry, Otsego 2000 and the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market work to provide more people with locally grown food.
It’s a win-win-win, with more food for families, more business for farmers, and more investments in our local communities.
Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Coupons
Many farmers at the market accept WIC and Senior FMNP coupons. The Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) provides checks to women, infants and children through the Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) and to seniors through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) for the purchase of locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eligible WIC participants and CSFP seniors are issued FMNP coupons in addition to their regular benefits.
To find a WIC or CSFP local agency near you, call the Growing Up Healthy Hotline at 1-800-522-5006.
Cooperstown Food Pantry Vouchers
All Farmers’ Market vendors selling fresh fruits and vegetables accept Cooperstown Food Pantry vouchers. These vouchers are given out at the Pantry. For information about Food Pantry vouchers, please call 607-547-8902.
“I am a big fan of the Market. I get staples—vegetables, cheese, meat, bread, apples—plus whatever catches my eye. With SNAP Match, it brings prices in line with the grocery store and I get better food. The money goes right to farmers, you cut out the middleman and everyone benefits.”
“SNAP is an amazing opportunity to try a variety of nutrient dense foods. Shoppers can explore farms for a variety of choices in meats and vegetables. SNAP Match is a way to stretch their dollars. ”
Read about the program in AllOtsego/The Freeman’s Journal: Farmers’ Market, Otsego 2000, Lions Club Team Up for Healthy Food Access