Quick Pickled Radishes

Servings: 8

Prep Time: 15 minutes

*Ingredients currently available at the Cooperstown Farmers' Market.


4 bunches red radishes* 1 cup white vinegar1 cup water, 2½ tablespoons cane sugar, 1 tablespoons sea salt, ½ teaspoon mixed peppercorns, ½ teaspoon mustard seeds


Thinly slice the radishes (or halve them, if you prefer), and divide between 4 (11.5-ounce) jars or equivalent. The amount of radishes and brine used may vary based on the size and shape of your jars and how you slice your radishes.Heat the vinegar, water, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve, about 1 minute. Pour the brine over the radishes, then stir in the peppercorns and mustard seeds. Let cool and chill until ready to use. Pickled radish slices will be ready to eat in about 1 hour, radish halves are best when pickled overnight.

*Recipe via Love and Lemons

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